
Article | 5 min |
Check out these actionable strategies to coordinate your estate and tax planning documents—and minimize your 2022 tax liability. Let’s dive into some actionable strategies to consider over the next several weeks to coordinate your documents and minimize your 2022 tax liability. File Your Taxes Online Instead of by Mail Shopping, dating, ordering takeout—you can do practically anything online these days, including filing your taxes. But while filing online is significantly easier, is it better? Let’s unpack the overwhelming advantages of online filing and why this should be integral to your...
Article | 5 min |
If you get an SMS message supposedly from your bank about a fraud alert, be wary. The scheme tries to scare you into believing the scammers are representatives of your bank. An automated SMS message will appear on your phone, claiming to be a fraud alert from a banking institution. It’ll then ask if you recently made an instant payment in the thousands of dollars. How it happens: Scammers will first research your online history to learn your past addresses, Social Security numbers, the last four digits of your bank accounts or any other identifiable information about you. You will receive a...
Article | 5 min |
Sustainability in agriculture ensures that existing demand is met without jeopardizing future plans. Adopting sustainable practices can improve the communities surrounding large-scale agribusiness operations—while supporting the business itself. However, implementing these changes can also prove challenging. Read more in our latest article. Every business, corporation, and company can leverage the benefits of sustainability to decrease their environmental impact while supporting their bottom line. Agribusiness is no different. Sustainability in agriculture ensures that existing demand is met...
Article | 7 min |
Throwing food away has severe consequences, including environmental harm, starvation, and financial waste. Thankfully, there are plenty of methods you can employ to decrease food waste in your QSR—while boosting profitability. Read more here as we discuss sustainability strategies to help your QSR sustainability strategy. The United States has a serious problem with food waste. Of the 229 million tons of food produced in the US in 2019, consumers, retailers, and restaurants wasted 35% of it. While charitable organizations donated some of this “surplus” to those in need, most of it wound up in...
Article | 3 min |
Home improvement projects can be sizable undertakings. Whether trying to sell or just looking to spruce things up, the financial commitment can get as steep as the project itself. Have you considered using your Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) to tackle your next home improvement project? Your HELOC is a revolving loan with an open credit line from which you can make withdrawals. You only pay interest on the funds you borrow, with variable rates typically starting around the prime rate plus 2%. Think of your HELOC as a super-low-interest credit card. HELOC Pros Lower interest rates and...