
March 14, 2022 – Arizona Bank & Trust, a division of HTLF Bank, through its parent company, Heartland Financial USA, Inc. (NASDAQ: HTLF), has been named a “Forbes Best Bank 2022.” In its annual review of the largest publicly traded banks and thrifts, Forbes ranked Heartland 28th among a nationwide group of 100 leading banking organizations with assets ranging from $9 billion to over $2 trillion. “We are proud to be named among the best banks in America for 2022,” said Tyson Leyendecker, President and CEO of Dubuque Bank and Trust. “As community banks, what sets us apart is our strong commitment to our customers, combined...
Quarterly Market Review: Q4 2021 By: Paul Dickson, Director of Research and Mark Stevens, Chief Investment Officer Shifting Gears Even as the pandemic continues to delay a full normalization of the global economy, the exit from emergency support has begun. Most fiscal and administrative efforts have waned, and global monetary authorities have moved on from protecting against the downside to worrying about inflation. The emerging theme is one of shifting gears away from stimulus and towards relative austerity and to relying on the private sector to take the lead as the engine of recovery...
Consumers are demanding streamlined, hassle-free payment solutions both online and in person. As consumers increasingly pay less with cash, businesses are turning to an increasing mix of emerging payment solutions to maintain growth. For the most part, consumer preferences are shifting toward mobile and digital payment options. Businesses are responding by investing in ways to improve their payment solutions to accommodate mobile, online and point-of-sale channels. The mix of emerging payments depends on the industry and local markets. But the general trends shown in the most recent survey by...
Nobody likes to find an item or brand they want is out of stock, but as any retailer knows, it’s happening more frequently. And, it’s becoming more clear that businesses will likely face supply chain constrictions for some time. Shipping delays and cost increases are expected to continue. In September, four records were set in three weeks for the number of cargo ships waiting to unload off the California coast. Some analysts suggest that supply chains will be tight well into 2022 and maybe even beyond. Shipping delays and cost increases are expected to continue. In September, four records were...
Even as Covid-19 infections caused by the delta variant continue to rise in some areas of the country, economic activity continues to increase. Consumer spending rose at an annualized rate of 11.8 percent in the second quarter, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Payroll employment increased by 943,000 in July, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, above expectations. The best news is that spending increases were led by food services and hospitality, some of the mainstays of local economies. Commercial enterprises are now seeking ways to grow as the economy expands...